Pay Per Click

When it comes to pay-per-click (PPC) pricing on Google Ads, there are a few key considerations:

  1. Cost-Per-Click (CPC) Bidding:
    • With CPC bidding, you pay for each click on your ads. You set a maximum cost-per-click bid (max. CPC) that represents the highest amount you’re willing to pay for a click.
    • Your actual CPC (what you’re actually charged) may be less than your max. CPC.
    • Most beginners start with CPC bidding, especially for search campaigns.
  2. Choosing Your Bid Amount:
    • There’s no one-size-fits-all bid amount. It depends on factors like your campaign type, keyword costs, and keyword performance.
    • Consider how much a click is worth to you. For instance, if you make $10 from every skateboard purchase and 1 in 10 website visits results in a purchase, you might set a max. CPC bid below $1.
    • Automated bidding strategies like Maximize Clicks can also help optimize bids for you.
  3. Average CPC Across Industries:
    • The average CPC varies by industry. For example:
      • Across industries, the average CPC on the Google Search network is around $2.69, while Display network CPC is approximately $0.63.
      • LinkedIn Ads has the highest CPC at $5.58 per click, while Twitter Ads is the least expensive at $0.38 per mobile ad click.
      • Generally, search ads on Google cost $1 to $2 on average.
  4. Industry-Specific Costs:
    • Your industry directly impacts costs. Competitive sectors like finance and insurance tend to have higher CPCs.
    • Keep an eye on your specific industry benchmarks to gauge competitiveness.

Remember, finding the right bid amount involves testing, monitoring performance, and adjusting as needed. If you’re new to Google Ads, start with a comfortable bid and refine it based on results. Good luck with your PPC campaign!